Hold The Rope
Every year an NBA team wins the title. Every year a college basketball team wins the NCAA championship. Every year the best high school team in Class 6, Class 5…
Every year an NBA team wins the title. Every year a college basketball team wins the NCAA championship. Every year the best high school team in Class 6, Class 5…
We speak a lot about “culture” and strive to create a winning culture with the Liberty Basketball program. We’ll define culture or winning as: What you allow What you emphasize…
Liberty Basketball will be hosting the 3rd annual 3v3 league for boys and girls grades K-3. The league will take place on Wednesday evenings at Liberty High School on the…
You can register for the 2021-22 Jr. Eagles Basketball Season via the link below – https://forms.gle/ZCHroA8w9xeM73Y57 We anticipate having teams for boys and girls in the Liberty High School residency…
The Junior Eagles Basketball program will have teams participating in the CNR Spring League. Teams will most likely not be practicing during the Spring session, but will play games as…
As a result of the situation around the pandemic, Jr. Eagles Basketball does not have access to WSD gyms for the purpose of hosting a player evaluation or team practices.…
We’re excited to be participating in the Liberty Eagles Basketball Trivia Night and look forward to the support from our Jr. Eagles Basketball families. The program is raising money for…
It’s time to get registered for the 2019-20 Jr. Eagles Basketball season. Tryout dates and times are listed below. All session are at Liberty High School. Players need to be…
The fees listed below cover the League fees associated with the 2019 Summer season. If you ordered a new uniform for the Summer season, please include an additional $55 to…
Registration is now open for the 2019 Spring Basketball session with the Jr. Eagles Basketball program. Go HERE to register. We’re also introducing a new Summer Camp opportunity on this…
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